Why Choose Us?

We provide sales and service opportunities for the manufacturer to distribution, mass merchants, and independent retail accounts at an unparalleled level.


Tim Bailey & Associates, Inc. brings:​

Call Us Today (818) 993-3141

We have the resources

We are strategically located 

Our people are professionally trained and motivated

Our sales people have retail and distributor experience

We offer our customer’s employee training

We offer sales seminars

Inventory integrity checks

Order writing capabilities


We understand the goals and initiatives of today’s mass merchant retailer.

Experienced sales and support personnel

Proven success within the outdoor sports arena

Unparalleled coverage and resources

Consistency of one message, one organization

Contingency planning

Innovation in sales representation

Professionally trained and monitored sales


New customer contacts

Investment into the future

Support from the West, Midwest, Canada, and TALO areas

National retail promotion effort

Training mentorship program


Implementation and execution